Javelina, members of the #peccary family, are mostly found in the South Texas brush country, the Trans-Peco's desert grasslands, and the Edwards Plateau oak-juniper woodlands. They are not related to feral pigs or hogs.
Travel in small herds or family groups
Feed mostly on prickly pear cactus
Move during early morning and late afternoon during winter month. During the warmer months, they are primarily nocturnal... moving mostly at night.
Have poor eyesight but a sharp sense of smell
Will defend themselves with their sharp tusks, if cornered
Are classed as a game animal in TX. and may be hunted with a license during the hunting season
In the South, they can be hunted through August 31, 2024
Make excellent wall mounts...
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has much more information about #Javelina, visit their website at the link on our homepage.
Checkout our Javelina Hunt information on the Hunt Packages page and schedule your Javelina today!
To the Hunt!!!